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Mensagem por Admin Dom Nov 06, 2016 4:38 am


Lista de Senjutsu 20jn60n
Sennin Mode (Modo Eremita)
Descrição: Forma inicial do Sennins que treinam o Senpou. Ao acumularem a energia natural e controlá-la ao seu redor, Jiraiya e Uzumaki Naruto conseguem
aumentar cada aprimoramento fisico de seu ser (Força, stamina, agilidade, rapidez, esquiva e resistência). Enquanto o usuário mantiver a transformação os níveis de chakra sobem incrivelmente e a potência dos jutsus realizados atingem uma potência acima do normal. Sentindo a energia natural ao seu redor o usuário também é capaz de sentir a presença de qualquer ser vivo através do chakra a uma enorme distância. Por não ser o Modo Eremita Completo o Usuário fica com uma aparência Híbrida entre Humano e Animal.
Custo: 50 Chakra
Causa: +30 em Todos os Atributos/+30 Dano em Jutsus
Causa²: Pode dobrar o Dano de 1 Jutsu usado sem gastar o dobro do Custo
Causa³: Pode rastrear qualquer ser vivo
Nota: Só pode dobrar uma vez o Dano de 1 Jutsu durante os 3 Turnos desse Modo Sennin
Duração: 3 Turnos
Limite: 3 Vezes por Combate

Lista de Senjutsu 2804ksw
Sennin Sentō Sutairu (Estilo de Luta Sennin)
Descrição: Como explicado por Fukasaku à Uzumaki Naruto, quando um ser domina o controle sobre a Energia da Natureza, e assim criar Chakra Sennin, ele pode aumentar drasticamente sua força, sendo assim seus golpes são muito mais poderosos que o normal. Fukasaku com seu pequeno corpo pode levantar uma estátua com 50 vezes o seu tamanho. O chakra do senjutsu ativa o corpo de várias formas, aumentando a velocidade do usuário, resistência e durabilidade. A energia natural utilizada para criar o chakra do senjutsu, também envolve o usuário com uma aura de energia natural. Essa aura do chakra do senjutsu não pode ser vista por alguém nem aqueles que têm formação no senjutsu e pode funcionar como uma extensão do seu corpo. Ao empregar essa aura de energia natural, um sábio, como Uzumaki Naruto pode usar essa aura para ampliar o alcance e força de seus ataques físicos.
Necessita: Sennin Mode Ativado
Custo: 20 Chakra
Causa: +20 em For/Agi/Res/+20 Dano em Taijutsus
Causa²: Aumenta o alcance dos ataques físicos
Duração: Igual a duração do Sennin Mode Ativado


Lista de Senjutsu 11110
Sennin Mode Kansei (Modo Eremita Completo)
Descrição: Forma máxima do Sennins que treinam o Senpou. Ao acumularem a energia natural e controlá-la ao seu redor, Uzumaki Naruto consegue aumentar cada aprimoramento físico de seu ser mais elevado que o Modo Sennin incompleto (Força, stamina, agilidade, rapidez, esquiva e resistência). Enquanto o usuário mantiver a transformação os níveis de chakra sobem incrivelmente e a potência dos Justus realizados atingem uma potência acima do normal. Sentindo a energia natural ao seu redor o usuário também é capaz de sentir a presença de qualquer ser vivo através do chakra a uma enorme distância. Por ser o Modo Eremita Completo apenas os olhos ficam semelhantes ao de um Animal.
Custo: 60 Chakra
Causa: +60 em Todos os Atributos/+60 Dano em Jutsus
Causa²: Pode dobrar o Dano de 1 Jutsu sem gastar o dobro do Custo
Causa³: Pode rastrear qualquer ser vivo
Nota: Pode dobrar o Dano de 1 Jutsu a cada Turno
Nota²: Pode aprimorar no Rank Sannin para aumentar o bônus nos atributos
Duração: 3 Turnos
Limite: 3 Vezes por Combate

Lista de Senjutsu 2ylur13
Sennin Ryuu - Uzumaki Naruto no Gyakuun Chakra Kuuin (Estilo Eremita - Reviravolta da Absorção de Chakra de Uzumaki Naruto)
Descrição: Técnica inventada por Uzumaki Naruto quando esse está usando o Sennin Mode, ao ser capturado e ter o chakra sennin absorvido por Pein Circulo
dos Fantasmas Famintos, Naruto aproveitou que estava imobilizado e começou a absorver uma imensa quantidade de Chakra Sennin e por fim quando estava quase novamente no modo sennin devolveu todo seu chakra sennin devolta a Pein Circulo dos Fantasmas Famintos, este por não controlar direito toda imensidade de chakra sennin acabou virando uma estatua de pedra de sapo.
Necessita: Precisa estar tendo o Chakra Absorvido
Custo: =/=
Causa: Oponente Imóvel
Duração: 1 Turno
Limite: 1 Vez por Combate

Lista de Senjutsu 2n7doxe
Senpou - Zessenbaku (Arte Eremita - Língua da Cobra Rastreadora Perfurante)
Descrição: Shima faz um yin e sua língua vira uma serpente com buracos nas escamas que se expande a vontade de Shima e é muito rapida, ela é capaz de
captar chakra e temperaturas, ou seja, esse jutsu pode localizar inimigos ou invasores que estejam camuflados ou escondidos e agarra-los, ao fazer isso ela o prende liberando um liquido que os prende na cobra.
Necessita: Sennin Mode Kansei Ativado
Custo: 30 Chakra
Causa: Detectar Oponente Escondido ou Camuflado/Oponente Imóvel
Duração: 1 Turno
Limite: 1 Vez por Combate

Lista de Senjutsu 2De2l
Senpou: Muki Tensei (Técnica Eremita - Técnica da Transmigração Inorgânica)
Descrição: Este jutsu funciona dando vida e controlando aquilo que não estava vivo. É diferente de controlar algo com apenas chakra, pois o próprio chakra da Natureza Sennin dá a vida para o objeto e permite que o usuário o controle de acordo com as suas vontades. Kabuto usou este jutsu para controlar as protuberâncias da caverna, controlando assim todo o cenário da luta para atacar Sasuke e Itachi numa velocidade incrível. Sasuke só se livrou da técnica por ter sido defendido pelo Susano'o de Itachi.
Necessita: Sennin Mode Kansei Ativado
Custo: 50 Chakra
Causa: Pode controlar o ambiente ao seu redor/+50 Dano
Duração: 1 Turno

Lista de Senjutsu 244pnxh
Senpou - Kawazu Naki (Arte Eremita - Grasnar dos Sapos)
Descrição: Shima e Fukasaku liberam uma grande onda sonora o que deixa os oponentes atordoados, criando uma abertura na defesa do inimigo podendo assim ataca-lo.
Necessita: Sennin Mode Kansei Ativado
Custo: 30 Chakra
Causa: Quebra Defesa Absoluta
Duração: 1 Turno
Limite: 1 Vez por Combate

Lista de Senjutsu A1210
Kyouakuna Seichou (Crescimento Atroz)
Descrição: Com essa habilidade Kabuto usa a Energia Natural para aumentar o tamanho de suas cobras, com isso aumentando o poder e as habilidades de cada um dos répteis.
Necessita: Sennin Mode Kansei Ativado
Custo: 60 Chakra
Causa: Aumenta o tamanho e força de seus Kuchiyoses
Duração: 3 Turnos
Limite: 1 Vez por Combate

Jounnin Especial

Lista de Senjutsu 35l69tu
Senpou - Kekkai no Jutsu - Tengai Houjin (Arte Eremita - Técnica da Barreira)
Descrição: No Modo Eremita, Jiraiya cria uma barreira que se detectar um invasor o esmaga, matando-o instantaneamente.
Necessita: Sennin Mode Kansei Ativado
Custo: 120 Chakra
Causa: Defesa Absoluta Perfeita/+120 Dano Oponente
Duração: 1 Turno
Limite: 1 Vez por Combate

Lista de Senjutsu HOJyU
Suika Kibo no Jutsu (Técnica da Escama de Água)
Descrição: Depois de estudar a transformação em água do clã Houzuki, Kabuto criou uma técnica alterando essa transformação para que fosse possível ele mesmo usar tal capacidade. É uma habilidade que transforma o corpo em uma forma líquida, parecendo que Kabuto está trocando de pele. Para isso ele usou os fluídos do corpo e o Chakra Sennin.
Necessita: Sennin Mode Kansei Ativado
Custo: 70 Chakra
Causa: Defesa Absoluta Perfeita
Duração: 1 Turno
Limite: 1 Vez por Combate

Lista de Senjutsu KHw16
Senpou: Hakugeki no Jutsu (Técnica Eremita - Técnica da Raiva Branca)
Descrição: Kabuto solta um dragão branco de sua boca que contém uma esfera maciça em uma das patas. Ao se aproximar do adversário, esse dragão se enrola sobre essa esfera e produz luz e som. A luz e o som prejudicam a visão e a audição do oponente, além da vibração causada pelo som paralisar seu corpo. Além disso, pode ser usado em vários oponentes de uma só vez, uma vez que o jutsu atinge todo o campo de batalha com sua luz e seu som. Para se defender de sua própria técnica, Kabuto usa as córneas de uma cobra para se proteger da luz e a habilidade de liquefazer seu corpo para não sentir os efeitos vibratórios do som. Assim, quando ele está no modo sennin, este jutsu é inútil nele mesmo.
Necessita: Sennin Mode Kansei Ativado/Aprendizado de Suika Kibo no Jutsu
Custo: 150 Chakra/200 Chakra para usar em mais de um Oponente
Causa: 150 Dano/Oponente Cego e Surdo/Oponente Imóvel
Duração: 1 Turno
Limite: 1 Vez por Combate


Lista de Senjutsu 14wgj61
Senpou - Myoujinmon (Arte Sábia - Portão do Grande Deus)
Descrição: Depois de entrar no Sennin Mōdo, o usuário manifesta um número seleto de grandes torii que caem de cima para baixo, a fim de fixar um alvo pretendido entre o portão e o chão. O tamanho e a força destes torii é tal que pode até ser usado para imobilizar o Juubi.
Variantes: O número exato e tamanho do torii envolvido nesta técnica pode variar dependente do que o usuário especifica:
Selo Dez: Cria dez torii que podem ser usados para fixar vários alvos individuais simultaneamente.
Selo Cabeça: Cria um único torii destinado a fixar o pescoço do alvo por baixo, de modo a imobilizar a cabeça.
Necessita: Sennin Mode Kansei Ativado
Custo: 500 Chakra
Causa: Alvo Imóvel
Duração: 3 Turnos (Bijuu, Susano'o ou Semelhantes)/1 Turno Ser(es) Humano(s)
Nota: Pode Imobilizar Qualquer Criatura desde Bijuu até o Susano'o
Nota²: Pode Imobilizar mais de uma pessoa ou criatura por vez
Limite: 1 Vez por Combate

Última edição por Admin em Sex Nov 18, 2016 12:01 am, editado 1 vez(es)


Mensagens : 141
Data de inscrição : 12/10/2016

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Mensagem por Admin Dom Nov 06, 2016 4:42 am

Dog Mode
[Only to the Owner and First summoner of Dog's]

The Dog Sage mode allows improved senses beyond that of any shinobi known before, making this an incredible strength, but also sometimes a hindering weakness. The dog mode has possibly the fastest abilities amongst the Sages and its advanced senses add all the help you will ever need.

Dog Mode Attributes -
• Speed of Nature - Once in Sage Mode, this ability takes place. The user gains a mass speed boost which could easily outclass any ninja. It's on par with Flash of the Thunder God

• The Wild's Calling - Aside from the natural instincts for wielders of Sage Mode, the Dog Sage takes a more in depth ability. Not only can he/she hear better and smell better, but they can feel the nature chakra around them, making almost any camouflaging useless.

-Dog Mode [No Elder]-
Can only be achieved with high Chakra levels [Demon] or with extensive synchronization between ones summon and nature itself. It takes 10 posts to control dog mode with no elder but can stay in sage mode for 10 posts.
~Techniques ~ Element Doton

Seijin Mo-do Houmen - Shingai Kawa[Sage Mode Release: Terror Bark]
Rank B
Description: The Sage mode changes the Vocal processors, channeling chakra threw your vocal cords creating a bark so powerful it can destroy rocks and rip through the ground.

Seijin Mo-do Houmen - Doton Chuuseki Shikon [Sage Mode Release: Earth Pillar Fangs]
Rank B
Description: Two chunks of earth are Summoned from the ground and are then ridden like bullets. The chunks are large and powerful coated in natural chakra so only lightning jutsu's will destroy them with ease otherwise it would take an S rank jutsu. the earth pillars can be ridden at high speed's and create massive amounts of damage.

Seijin Mo-do Houmen - Jishin nu jutsu [Sage Mode Release: Earthquake Technique]
Rank A
description: By channeling natural chakra throughout the ground and stamping your foot; a large wave, shifting the tectonic plates is created. The earthquake lasts two posts and destroys landscapes, once the earthquake has stopped the ground will be very unstable to stand on.
If used again the ground will cave in creating a pit effect.

Seijin Mo-do Houmen - Uwabari Nu Ryouken [Sage Mode Realse: Coat of the Hound]
Rank A
Description: The Ultimate Defense in Sage Mode the whole body is covered in a form of thick and protective hair witch is resistant to Fire, Water, Ice And Wind Weak to Lightning Jutsu's. [This Ability makes the User completely unaffected by Water and Ice Jutsu's, Fire Jutsu's the user can stand to a higher degree (A rank and above they will start hurting), does not defend against Taijutsu or Weapons.[Unless weapons abilities is to do with one of the above element's.]

Seijin Mo-do Houmen - Tsuchi Nida [Sage Mode Release: Earth Pack]
Rank S
Description: The user will thrust their hand into the ground and force Nature Chakra into it, from that stones will begin to rise of form the ground and take the shape of hounds. All together with the user, they will begin a coordination attack. These hounds can be crushed easily by Raiton of A-Rank and above, or by Complex Taijutsu B-Rank or above.

~Designated Senjutsu~
Seijin Mo-do Houmen: Kagekitsuuga (Sage Mode Release: Extreme Passing Fang)
Rank: S+
Description: Inspired by Shippo's Clan, Kirin created a special way for his own Tsuuga. Allowing the Nature Chakra into his claws, then push off and begin to spin at an incredible rate before taking off and slashing through the entire area. Thanks to the tunnel vision, he has to rely on the feel of nature.


Mensagens : 141
Data de inscrição : 12/10/2016

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Mensagem por Admin Dom Nov 06, 2016 4:43 am

Arthropod Mode
[Only to the Owner and First summoner of Bees]

The Arthropod Sage mode grants incredible abilities of flight and speed, but being it focuses on stealth and fast striking, the strength is not as good as the other sage modes.

Athropod Mode Attributes-
• Natural Wings - Upon the entering of Sennin Mo-do, the user can create four sets of wings that can be used for flight form the natural energy around them.

• Silence - The Arthropod Sage makes no sounds at all, thanks to their ability to emit Natural chakra at high speeds.

~Techniques ~

Seijin Mo-do Houmen - [Sage Mode Release: Sonic Boom]
Rank B*
Description: The Sage Mode user will spread out the wing of Natural Chakra and vibrate them, causing a high-pitched sound to be made as slashes of chakra are sent out like sonic booms. This attack can break bones due to the intense vibrations, but will mostly just cause great damage unless the enemy is already badly hurt.

Seijin Mo-do Houmen - Atsui Rou [Sage Mode Release: Hot Wax ]
Rank B*
Description: Creating a huge amount of mucus inside your own body and releasing it through your mouth, the user can shoot out a stream of scalding hot wax that, not only burns through the skin, but keeps them stuck in place.

Seijin Mo-do Houmen - Hyakuman Piripiri [Sage Mode Release: One Million Stings]
Rank A
description: This attack allows the user to summon exactly one million tiny bees to attack the opponent. They will then rush in and surround then opponent in an attempt to sting, though, separate attacks are too painful, but enough of them are.


Mensagens : 141
Data de inscrição : 12/10/2016

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Mensagem por Admin Dom Nov 06, 2016 4:43 am

Aquarian Mode
[Only to the Owner and First summoner of Fish]

The Aquarian Sage mode is a rather complicated Sage Mode, it is best for water users as you only truly gain its strengths when under water and when fighting another sage mode user are considerably at a disadvantage on land.

Aquarian Mode Attributes-
• Ocean Voice: On land, the Aquarian Sage is virtually useless, but in the water, they become stronger and faster, rivaling the speed of the Dog age and strength of the Bear Sage. They can also breathe there too, as an added bonus.

• Hydration: When performing Suiton Ninjutsu, they do not need water, but moisture in the air.

-Aquarian Mode [No Elder]-
Can only be achieved with high Chakra levels [Demon] or with extensive synchronization between ones summon and nature itself. It takes 10 posts to control Aquarian mode with no elder but allows the use of Sage mode attacks (No elder Attacks) and can stay in sage mode for 10 posts Though, on land it may only be maintained for 5.

~Techniques ~

Seijin Mo-do Houmen - [Sage Mode Release: Fish Spit ]
Rank B
Description: The user can fire a jet of water from their mouth with the power to cut clean through metal, but it being thin, is easy to dodge.

Seijin Mo-do Houmen - [Sage Mode Release: Fish Scales]
Rank B
Description: Covering the body in thousands of Sharp scales witch can be sent of as attacks at numerous Times (100 Scales on the body. Please, keep count of these.) The Scales move extremely fast and act basically like Samehada, but to a lesser extent as it only takes away D-Ranked chakra.

Seijin Mo-do Houmen - [Sage Mode Release: Armour of Scales]
Rank A*
description: If the body still has fifty scales left then they can be turned into an incredible armor of scales and chakra that can still act as a defensive variation of Samehada.

Seijin Mo-do Houmen - [Sage Mode Release: Hydro Cannon]
Rank A*
Description: Consuming natural chakra and then charging it inside your stomach and firing high pressured water, if the water misses then a huge lake will easily be formed in the area. The water is pressurized enough to be able to destroy metals' and rocks with ease.

Seijin Mo-do Houmen - [Sage Mode Release: Vortex Depth Charge]
Rank S*
Description: After a lake has been created a huge vortex will begin spinning inside the water sucking things inside the water towards it. Once inside the vortex the pressure will become immense and begin to crush the body inside it.


Mensagens : 141
Data de inscrição : 12/10/2016

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Mensagem por Admin Dom Nov 06, 2016 4:43 am

Slug Mode
[Only to the Owner and First summoner of Slug]

The Slug Sage Mode is extremely slow, but the slug sage makes up for this by the users abilities to not only heal themselves but others with out breaking a sweat. The slug sage can be a tough opponent for those who aren't fast enough to retaliate against the users healing abilities.

Slug Mode Rules -
'Stat Increases'
Increased Strength S+
Increased Speed S
Increased Healing S++ (Any wounds will heal automatically within 3 posts depending on severity.)

Element Healing
~Techniques ~

Seijin Mo-do Houmen - [Sage Mode Release: Acid Release]
Rank B*
Description: releaseing Small amounts of Acidic spit from the body Shooting it hard and fast towards the Opponent the speed is incredible but remeber its not an Auto hit so it can be dodged.

Seijin Mo-do Houmen - [Sage Mode Realse: Slug Body Defense]
Rank B*
Description: Transforming the most part of the body into a slug like formation Allowing Weapons and Phyiscal attacks to pass threw them, Fire jutsu's Harm the Slug body.

Seijin Mo-do Houmen - [Sage Mode Realse: Slugish Punch]
Rank A*
description: Punching incredibly slow and this Punch will almost certainly miss But the Punch itself releases a large amount of natural chakra Witch Spreads out like sound itself Hitting most area's and will be hard to dodge as natural chakra is hard to dodge.

Seijin Mo-do Houmen - [Sage Mode Realse: Slug Art Slug Cannon]
Rank A*
Description: Fireing a Cannon ball contain Vairous small Slug's and a large amount of Natural Chakra this attack is Large like the Odama Rasengan And creates Huge Amounts of Damage.

Seijin Mo-do Houmen - [Sage Mode Realse: Acid Release Drowning Pool]
Rank S*
Description: A Pool of Acid is Summoned and can be as large as a Football pitc even the greatest chakra control cannot hold its ground for long and will burn away at there Feet. if landing in the pool itself there skin will begin to brun and Corode and will causes un-repareable damage.


Mensagens : 141
Data de inscrição : 12/10/2016

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Mensagem por Admin Dom Nov 06, 2016 4:44 am

Toad Mode
[Only to the Owner and First summoner of Toad]

The Toad Sage mode increases the users speed and strength tremendously, but its best feature is the user has legs of a toad allowing for extremely high jumps and overall increased mobility.

Toad Mode Rules -
'Stat Increases'
Increased Strength S+
Increased Speed S+
High Jumping

-Toad Elder's Fusion-
The Toad elder's themselves are good at chakra control finding it easy to draw Natural Chakra. Allowing the use of sage mode to be kept for up to 20 posts; the Elder's can use 4 attack's you can use up to 12 Sage techniques. Element Katon/Suiton

-Toad Mode [No Elder]-
Can only be achieved with high Chakra levels [Demon] or with extensive synchronization between ones summon and nature itself. It takes 20 posts to control Toad mode with no elder but Allows the use of up to 18 Sage mode attacks (No elder Attacks) and can stay in sage mode for 25 posts.

~Techniques ~

Seijin Mo-do Houmen Gamayu Endan - [Sage Mode Release: Toad Oil Fireball ]
Rank B*
Description: • Gamayu Endan is a Powerful Fire Technique That is created by The user Spitting oil and the Fused igniting it causeing hot fast powerful attack of Stremaing large Fireballs.

Seijin Mo-do Houmen Senpou • Goemon - [Sage Mode Realse: Hermit Art • Boiling Oil ]
Rank B*
Description: Senpou • Goemon is an elemental combo attack used by Jiraiya and the mother and father toad in their combined "Sennin" mode. After entering Sennin mode, each Sennin will form a hand seal and then expel their own unique substance. Jiraiya will emit oil, mother toad will emit fire to ignite it and father toad will emit wind to fan the flames.

Seijin Mo-do Houmen Senpou • Kebari Senbon- [Sage Mode Realse: Hermit Art • Thousand Hair Needles]
Rank A*
description: Senpou • Kebari Senbon is an combo attack used by Jiraiya and the mother and father toad in their combined "Sennin" mode. After entering Sennin mode, Jiraiya will harden his hair and launch it towards his opponent as a torrent of needles. This jutsu is Jiraiya's fastest over a wide field of attack.

Seijin Mo-do Houmen - [Sage Mode Realse: Hermit Coat]
Rank A*
Description: An oily substance encases the user witch proctects them From all Ninjutsu's making them Useless but Taijutsu's Will still cause the Same damage and Elemental Jutsu's using the Earth element will Cause More damage. and remove the oil.

Seijin Mo-do Houmen - [Sage Mode Realse: Hermit Art Of Burining Needle Rain]
Rank S*
Description: The user Encases his Body in hundreds of Needles Jumping high into the Air He spin's Realsing the Needles while he spins also Causing them to ignite these needles move very fast and are hard to dodge Most defensive jutsu's Will be no help.


Mensagens : 141
Data de inscrição : 12/10/2016

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Mensagem por Admin Dom Nov 06, 2016 4:44 am

Reptile Mode
[Only to the Owner and First summoner of Snake]

The Reptile Sage mode has no real strengths or weaknesses it is a rather average sage release. The best part of Snake mode is its special immunities to poison, they also develop a thick scaly body during sage mode giving them the strongest defense of all sage modes.

Snake Mode Rules -
'Stat Increases'
Increased Strength S+
Increased Speed S+
Increased Defense S++
Poison Immunity

-Reptile Elder's Fusion-
The Reptile elder's themselves are poor at chakra control finding it hard to draw Natural Chakra. Allowing the use of sage mode to be kept for up to 14 posts; the Elder's can use 7 attack's you can use up to 7 Sage techniques. Element Poison

-Reptile Mode [No Elder]-
Can only be achieved with high Chakra levels [Demon] or with extensive synchronization between ones summon and nature itself. It takes 20 posts to control Reptile mode with no elder but Allows the use of up to 18 Sage mode attacks (No elder Attacks) and can stay in sage mode for 18 posts.

~Techniques ~

Seijin Mo-do Houmen - [Sage Mode Release: Poison Spit]
Rank B*
Description:Creating Natural chakra inside there Stomach then moving it to the mouth Spitting a small amount upon the ground witch Will emit a small gas witch is colored purple the gas breathed in will cause emense Pain and begin to corrode the user's inside's.

Seijin Mo-do Houmen - [Sage Mode Realse: Snake projectile]
Rank B*
Description: The user will send out a powerful Attack opening his Mouth and fireing numerous Fang's each coated with a Certain Numbing Poison the poison will slowly Numb the opponent's body (( not compltly)) making it hard for the opponent to feel the pain for ((5post's)) then all the pain will hit at once increasing the pain tenfold.

Seijin Mo-do Houmen - [Sage Mode Realse: Snake re-birth]
Rank A*
description: Once the user is potentially killed by a Ninjutsu or Genjutsu of Any sort then he is Re-bron from his own Body. (This works Three times) Completly healing him of damage.

Seijin Mo-do Houmen - [Sage Mode Realse: 8 Head's of the Snake]
Rank A*
Description: 8 heads of the snake an attack creating Numerous Heads that can each Create normal Jutsu's ((From your List)) while you attack with other techniques

Seijin Mo-do Houmen - [Sage Mode Realse: 8-head transformation wave of Poison]
Rank S*
Description: Once the transformation has taken Place the user can chrage a huge Wave of Chakra Witch Will easilly destroy Defensives and creates a Huge wave of purple chakra witch if inhaled will cause the loss of useage in one arm. ((For duation of battle.))


Mensagens : 141
Data de inscrição : 12/10/2016

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Mensagem por Admin Dom Nov 06, 2016 4:44 am

Ape Mode
[Only to the Owner and First summoner of Monkey]

The Ape Sage mode is extremely versatile as it provides a good increase to all areas of the shinobis capabilities, its extra attribute is the user becomes extremely flexible and coordinated, this makes difficult flips or aerial maneuvers easy as pie.

Ape Mode Rules -
'Stat Increases'
Increased Strength S+
Increased Speed S+
Increased Flexibility and Coordination S++

-Ape Elder's Fusion-
The Ape elder's themselves are the best at chakra control finding it extremely easy to draw Natural Chakra. Allowing the use of sage mode to be kept for up to 20 posts; the Elder's can use 10 attack's you can use up to 10 Sage techniques. Element Doton

-Ape Mode [No Elder]-
Can only be achieved with high Chakra levels [Demon] or with extensive synchronization between ones summon and nature itself. It takes 20 posts to control Ape mode with no elder but Allows the use of up to 20 Sage mode attacks (No elder Attacks) and can stay in sage mode for 25 posts.


Mensagens : 141
Data de inscrição : 12/10/2016

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Lista de Senjutsu Empty Re: Lista de Senjutsu

Mensagem por Admin Dom Nov 06, 2016 4:45 am

Bear Mode
[Only to the Owner and First summoner of Panda]

Bear Sage Mode grants the user immense strength and durability, the user is the strongest shinobi one could encounter in this state, their speed isnt as great as that of the other sage modes as it sacrifices for strength. In Bear Mode the user can learn things from the surrounding nature as the bears are greatly in tune with the world around them.

Bear Mode Rules -
Increased Strength S++ (Stronger than any shinobi matches Hachibi)
Increased Speed S
Improved Durability S+

-Bear Elder's Fusion-
The bear elder's themselves are the best at chakra control finding it easy to draw Natural Chakra. Allowing the use of sage mode to be kept for up to 20 posts; the Elder's can use 5 attack's you can use up to 10 Sage techniques. Element Mokuton

-Bear Mode [No Elder]-
Can only be achieved with high Chakra levels [Demon] or with extensive synchronization between ones summon and nature itself. It takes 20 posts to control bear mode with no elder but Allows the use of up to 20 Sage mode attacks (No elder Attacks) and can stay in sage mode for 25 posts.

~Techniques ~

Seijin Mo-do Houmen: Mokuton-Uddo Hada [Sage Mode Release: Wood Release-Wood Body]
Rank B*
Description: The user hardens their body into a wood substance with nature chakra in a thin coating. This increases speed and defensive capabilities, it can defend any jutsu up to A rank but it gives the user an uncanny weakness to fire. (Beaten by B Rank Fire Jutsu)

Seijin Mo-do Houmen: Mokuton-Hayashi no Jigoku [Sage Mode Release: Wood Release-Forest of Hell]
Rank B*
Description: The user will gather nature chakra and transform the entire landscape into a massive dark forest with trees at every turn. This forest is a massive trap much like the swamp techniques of the toad Senjutsu or the frog stomach technique. It is impossible to escape as the forest is a giant maze known only to the sage user, it can only be burned by demon fire, in which case the opponent still may likely kill themselves in the massive blaze. Attacks can come from any corner at the enemy making this forest a literal hell hole for the trapped.

Seijin Mo-do Houmen: Ikimono Kobushi-Souhou no Midas [Sage Mode Release: Bear Fist-Touch of Midas]
Rank A*
Description: The user will gather nature chakra around their hand and battle the opponent in bear fist. All the user must do is graze an opponents body part to cause that part of the opponent to turn into a brittle petrified wood. The opponent can easily be lit aflame when under the influence of the technique. Any body parts touched can be broken with a slight jar of the body or a tap of the finger, the opponent cannot bend joints affected by this technique.

Seijin Mo-do Houmen: Ikimono Kobushi-Issen Shushou [Sage Mode Release: Bear Fist-A Thousand Palms]
Rank A*
Description: The user will attack the opponent with their knowledge of Bear Fists crushing and brutal offensive styles. They will relentlessly beat and throw the opponent across the battle field smashing them into the ground or anything else in the area. The users speed is increased as well as defense meaning that they can take more attacks before having to break off. Each attack will be strengthened, combined with, or followed by a wave of Mokuton to keep the consecutive damage at a high. If the opponent doesnt break free early they will likely be beaten well beyond death at the mercy of their opponent. The worst thing about this technique as that the angrier the opponent gets the stronger then technique becomes, the one weakness though is that this enraged style of attack can sometimes blind the attacker and open a window for escape. (*Note that tricking the sage is not an easy task and if attempted must be well thought out and displayed over several posts.)


Mensagens : 141
Data de inscrição : 12/10/2016

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Lista de Senjutsu Empty Re: Lista de Senjutsu

Mensagem por Admin Dom Nov 06, 2016 4:45 am

Wolf Mode
[Only to the Owner and First summoner of Wolves]

Wolf Sage Mode is very graceful, the user gains increased speed and strength and their special attacks mainly genjutsu and Ninjutsu are improved greatly. The sage is also able to produce ice attacks when in sage mode.

Wolf Mode Rules -
Increased Strength S+
Increased Speed S+
Increased Grace S++
Increased Power S++ (Ninjutsu are as powerful as Gobi, all Ninjutsu bumped to S rank upon use.)
User Can Breath and Create Ice

-Wolf Elder's Fusion-
The wolf elder's themselves are the great at chakra control finding it easy to draw Natural Chakra. Allowing the use of sage mode to be kept for up to 18 posts; the Elder's can use 8 attack's you can use up to 9 Sage techniques. Element Hyouton

-Wolf Mode [No Elder]-
Can only be achieved with high Chakra levels [Demon] or with extensive synchronization between ones summon and nature itself. It takes 20 posts to control wolf mode with no elder but Allows the use of up to 19 Sage mode attacks (No elder Attacks) and can stay in sage mode for 22 posts.

~Techniques ~

Seijin Mo-do Houmen: Urufu Kouro - [Sage Mode Release: Wolf Run ]
Rank B*
Description: The user drops down to all fours and disappears. He then trys to pierce the targets vitals with a claw made of Ice. The claw is very sharp and has been made for the purpose of eliminate targets.

Seijin Mo-do Houmen: Hyouton Bakufuu - [Sage Mode Release: Ice Blast ]
Rank A*
description: The user does a couple of small hand signs and then breaths out a freezing terrible freezing mist. The mist turns everything in it's path into a block of Ice. This jutsu only has a radius of 10 meters and can be melted by S rank flames or Demon fire.

Seijin Mo-do Houmen: Hei Za Pakku - [Sage Mode Release: Wall of the Pack]
Rank A*
Description: The user does a long chain of handsigns, a wall of sheer ice appears blocking the attack sent at him. It is very hard to destroy as it takes at least two S ranked Non-sage or Non-Demon jutsu to tear it down.

Seijin Mo-do Houmen Tsukiyakunan - [Sage Mode Release: Moon Calamity]
Rank S*
Description: The user forces out a ton of Natural Chakra, into one area in front of him/her. This looks like a bright frozen moon stuck infront of the user. Then howls this blasts ices at below zero level that disintegrates all that is hit by this technique. This technique takes eight posts from your time remaining as it uses a lot of chakra.


Mensagens : 141
Data de inscrição : 12/10/2016

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